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Snake Care 101: Embracing Serpentine Companionship Snakes, with their sleek bodies and enigmatic charm, have long intrigued and captivated humans. While some may hesitate at the thought of owning a snake as a pet, these fascinating creatures offer a unique and rewarding companionship experience. From their low maintenance requirements to their serene presence, owning a… Read more »

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As the scorching heat of summer approaches, it’s not just humans who need to stay cool and hydrated; our furry companions require extra care too. Dogs, like us, are susceptible to dehydration and heatstroke during hot weather. Ensuring they stay well-hydrated is essential for their health and well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore some effective… Read more »

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Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience. However, along with all the joy and cuddles, there comes the inevitable task of potty training. Potty pad training can be a convenient option, especially for pet owners who live in apartments or have limited outdoor access. With patience, consistency, and positive… Read more »

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Anyone who has witnessed an indoor cat looking out the window or lying in wait near the front door for any chance to slip outside knows that cats are curious about the outdoors. Mental enrichment can add to an indoor cat’s quality of life, but regardless of how many toys your cat has or how intricate your kitty… Read more »

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We, as dog owners, are always saying “if only our dog could talk”.  It would be a dream to be able to understand what’s going on in their heads on a regular basis.  But did you know that they are communicating their emotions and intentions in many ways already? Dogs use verbal cues like barks,… Read more »

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Four paws, two bright eyes, and a set of twitchy whiskers. There’s nothing cuter than a pet hamster! If you’ve been thinking about welcoming a hamster into your family, here are some basic care techniques: Your Hamster’s Home Hamsters need enough space to move around and play, so it’s important to choose a cage that… Read more »

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Your four-legged family members may not be able to read a calendar, but they realize something’s afoot when delicious aromas start wafting through the house and all their family is around. They begin getting excited when friends start showing up at the door, carrying more sweet-smelling treats. With all the extra food and people around,… Read more »

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We love our kitties, but sometimes they can be downright frustrating, whether they are treating the expensive sofa like a cat scratching post or refusing to use their litter box! Here is a list of the 5 most common kitty behavior problems and tips to help solve them! #1 – Not Using the Litter Box… Read more »

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We here at Passionately Pets not only care for dogs and cats but for all small animals including reptiles, fish, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs and even hermit crabs. Caring for turtles is one of our favorites because they can be bursting with personality and are super fun to watch. What Kinds of Turtles Make Good… Read more »

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As CBD continues to get more and more attention for its potential therapeutic and pain management effects for humans, it’s no surprise the trend has carried over to our four-legged friends. Meant to be part of a wellness routine along with plenty of exercise and play, CBD can help support a sense of calm in… Read more »

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Our pets need toys to keep them busy, mentally stimulated and exercised.  But they get destroyed or lost so easily and constantly buying new ones can be very expensive.  If buying new toys isn’t on your agenda, how about using common household items to entertain your four-legged friends? Empty Paper or cloth bags. Shopping bags… Read more »

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Have you ever wondered why your cat seemingly randomly starts knocking things off the counter? Most likely, it’s because they’re bored!  The sensation and sounds that come from knocking things down can alleviate their boredom. But there’s a better way! By adding just a few minutes of dedicated play time with your cat each day,… Read more »

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After the long, not-so-cold winter that we’ve had this year, it can be tough getting motivated to get physical activity in with your pet. Unfortunately, sedentarism has become a normal lifestyle for many dogs and their owners. The month of April is focused on Canine Fitness. This month-long holiday is designed to get you and… Read more »

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It’s a few days after a fun visit to the dog park and you notice your dog acting differently. Something is wrong. They’ve got a terrible cough.  But what does it mean? All dog owners go through this – their pup contracts kennel cough from being around another dog with the same ailment.  Don’t worry,… Read more »

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Stress and anxiety can have debilitating effects on a human’s health. Stress in cats acts much the same way. Not only can it exacerbate existing physical conditions, but it can lead to a number of problems often considered behavioral, such as litter box avoidance, aggressive behavior, or depression and withdrawal. When behavioral problems suddenly appear,… Read more »

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Going on walks with our pets has many benefits such as keeping us and our pets healthy, enjoying the beauties of nature and spending quality time with our best friends. But how do you keep your dog from pulling the entire walk or chasing after every squirrel they see? There are many different types of… Read more »

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December is a wonderful time of year! The holidays are upon us, friends and family come together to spend time with each other, and of course the beauty of the winter chill. The change in season can be seen in everything around us, including what kind of care we must provide our pets during the… Read more »

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If you think dogs can’t do much more than fetch and rollover, you’re sorely mistaken.  Dogs are amazing and capable of being a lot more than just man’s best friend.  Beyond normal “tricks”, dogs are most commonly known for assisting humans with sight, hearing, mobility and emotional support.  But did you know dogs have superior… Read more »

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Every pet parent’s style of care varies based on each individual pet, their needs and their environment. As unique as each pet is, every pet needs to eat.  But how do you tell which bowl is right for your pet? We’re here to help you decide what bowl best works for you. Basic Pet Food… Read more »

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May is such a beautiful time during the year. The sun is shining, birds are singing and flowers are blooming. Unfortunately, not everyone can enjoy the beauty of Spring without experiencing redness, itchiness, congestion and loads of other symptoms. Allergy season is here you may not be the only one in your home suffering. Your… Read more »

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Canine health and fitness are important year-round but April, as National Canine Fitness Month, presents a great opportunity to refresh and refocus the fitness goals we have for our dogs.  Each dog breed was created to perform a certain job but these days, especially in the DC area, most dogs are companion animals.  Excessive sitting… Read more »

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Cats are naturally clean creatures, constantly licking and tending to their fur. Even though they are great at this, sometimes we, as pet parents, need to intervene and help with their grooming needs.  Here’s how you can help keep your feline friend in great shape. Maintaining a Shiny Coat A cat’s healthy skin and coat… Read more »

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Everyone needs ways to keep their pup entertained and out of trouble.  Playing games is a great way to keep your dog active, stimulated and busy.  But it is so easy to get bored with the same old games like fetch, tug and frisbee.  Here’s five of our favorite games to strengthen the bond you… Read more »

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No matter their age, your dog most likely has a strong desire to play.   But not all play is suitable for an aging pup. Games that require exertion, like fetch or chase, may no longer be fitting for your older dog and tug games may be too hard on your dog’s neck and teeth.   It… Read more »

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If you have a cat, you know they can be very picky about their food.  That’s why cat food comes in so many different flavors and textures. When you enter a pet store, the brands and types to choose from can be overwhelming. Generally, cat food can be broken into 3 categories: Dry, Wet and… Read more »