How to Ensure Your Dog and Your Guests Have A Safe Thanksgiving

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Your four-legged family members may not be able to read a calendar, but they realize something’s afoot when delicious aromas start wafting through the house and all their family is around. They begin getting excited when friends start showing up at the door, carrying more sweet-smelling treats. With all the extra food and people around,… Read more »

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

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Everyone has heard that some dogs eat grass to induce vomiting to help settle their stomach, but does a little nibble mean your dog is sick? Not necessarily.  And what if your dog is chowing down constantly?  Is that cause for alarm? Well, there are actually lots of reasons a dog may eat grass and… Read more »

6 Great Ways To Exercise With Your Dog

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After the long, not-so-cold winter that we’ve had this year, it can be tough getting motivated to get physical activity in with your pet. Unfortunately, sedentarism has become a normal lifestyle for many dogs and their owners. The month of April is focused on Canine Fitness. This month-long holiday is designed to get you and… Read more »