4 Easy Steps to Potty Pad Training Your Puppy

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Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience. However, along with all the joy and cuddles, there comes the inevitable task of potty training. Potty pad training can be a convenient option, especially for pet owners who live in apartments or have limited outdoor access. With patience, consistency, and positive… Read more »

Dealing With Separation Anxiety In The Post-Pandemic World And The First Steps To Transitioning Your Dog to “Normal”

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It’s here: the return to the new “normal”. Schools are prepping to go back to in-person learning, offices are moving away from working from home, and everyone’s schedules are rearranging again. We may not know what the new “normal” will be, but how do we prepare our pups for the definite change around the corner?… Read more »

A Relaxed Dog Is a Happy Dog

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Dog Relaxed on Belly

NOTE: This article is meant as a supplement to The Post-Pandemic World and The First Steps to Transitioning Your Dog Back to “Normal” As dog owners, we strive to make our beloved pets feel comfortable and safe, especially when at home.  However, there are certain stressful situations for dogs including thunderstorms, strangers coming over, fireworks,… Read more »

How To Create a Safe Space For Your Dog

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Dog in Safe Space on bed

Dogs can become stressed, anxious or overwhelmed by a variety of situations and it is up to us as their advocates to help reduce the stressors in their lives.  One way to do this is to provide a safe space for them to retreat to.  By giving your dog the choice to leave a situation,… Read more »