4 Easy Steps to Potty Pad Training Your Puppy

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Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience. However, along with all the joy and cuddles, there comes the inevitable task of potty training. Potty pad training can be a convenient option, especially for pet owners who live in apartments or have limited outdoor access. With patience, consistency, and positive… Read more »

How to Ensure Your Dog and Your Guests Have A Safe Thanksgiving

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Your four-legged family members may not be able to read a calendar, but they realize something’s afoot when delicious aromas start wafting through the house and all their family is around. They begin getting excited when friends start showing up at the door, carrying more sweet-smelling treats. With all the extra food and people around,… Read more »

Is CBD Safe For Pets?

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As CBD continues to get more and more attention for its potential therapeutic and pain management effects for humans, it’s no surprise the trend has carried over to our four-legged friends. Meant to be part of a wellness routine along with plenty of exercise and play, CBD can help support a sense of calm in… Read more »