Willow’s Story: Change a Pet’s Life Day

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As told by Willow’s Mom: Cecelia Mayes Intro and Conclusion by: Julia Nadovich Each year, 6 to 8 million dogs and cats are entered into U.S. shelters. Out of this total, 2.7 million of them are “put down” each year because shelters are over capacity with a lack of adoptive homes. I want you to… Read more »

Our Top 5 Pet Safety Tips for Fall

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Autumn is in the air! This change in season is marked by falling leaves, dropping temperatures, and less overall daylight; all of which pose their own threats to our animal friends. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered in this month’s blog. Leaves Although you may think you can put the lawn mower away, make… Read more »

A Few (More) of Our Favorites

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Last month, we introduced you to some of our favorite places to frequent, especially now, as a quick escape from the impending doom of being in our homes. We might be home for a while longer, so here are a few more! Hopefully you’ve spent the last 4 weeks trying out goodies from Woofbowl and… Read more »