Winter Pet Safety Tips

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December is a wonderful time of year! The holidays are upon us, friends and family come together to spend time with each other, and of course the beauty of the winter chill. The change in season can be seen in everything around us, including what kind of care we must provide our pets during the… Read more »

Gray Hairs Go Best With Whiskers

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Time is flying by so quickly and the holiday season is slowly approaching. No matter what holiday you celebrate, the most important thing is to spend time with your loved ones. This obviously includes our furry family members too. However, there are many animals who are still in shelters not able to celebrate with a… Read more »

Dogs As Superheroes: 6 Incredible Powers They Possess

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If you think dogs can’t do much more than fetch and rollover, you’re sorely mistaken.  Dogs are amazing and capable of being a lot more than just man’s best friend.  Beyond normal “tricks”, dogs are most commonly known for assisting humans with sight, hearing, mobility and emotional support.  But did you know dogs have superior… Read more »

How To Perform A Monthly Nose to Tail Check

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We had a great time at Well Ray in Del Ray in June.  Seeing all the wellness vendors and activities got us thinking about ways we could help keep our four-legged friends healthy.  It can be difficult to know if something is wrong if you don’t know what’s normal.  The easiest way to make sure… Read more »

How To Choose The Perfect Bowl For Your Pet

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Every pet parent’s style of care varies based on each individual pet, their needs and their environment. As unique as each pet is, every pet needs to eat.  But how do you tell which bowl is right for your pet? We’re here to help you decide what bowl best works for you. Basic Pet Food… Read more »