Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

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Everyone has heard that some dogs eat grass to induce vomiting to help settle their stomach, but does a little nibble mean your dog is sick? Not necessarily.  And what if your dog is chowing down constantly?  Is that cause for alarm? Well, there are actually lots of reasons a dog may eat grass and… Read more »

6 Great Ways To Exercise With Your Dog

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After the long, not-so-cold winter that we’ve had this year, it can be tough getting motivated to get physical activity in with your pet. Unfortunately, sedentarism has become a normal lifestyle for many dogs and their owners. The month of April is focused on Canine Fitness. This month-long holiday is designed to get you and… Read more »

Kennel Cough: What Is It and How To Avoid It

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It’s a few days after a fun visit to the dog park and you notice your dog acting differently. Something is wrong. They’ve got a terrible cough.  But what does it mean? All dog owners go through this – their pup contracts kennel cough from being around another dog with the same ailment.  Don’t worry,… Read more »