9 Easy Things You Should Regularly Be Doing With Your Cat

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Have you ever wondered why your cat seemingly randomly starts knocking things off the counter? Most likely, it’s because they’re bored!  The sensation and sounds that come from knocking things down can alleviate their boredom. But there’s a better way! By adding just a few minutes of dedicated play time with your cat each day,… Read more »

6 Great Ways To Exercise With Your Dog

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After the long, not-so-cold winter that we’ve had this year, it can be tough getting motivated to get physical activity in with your pet. Unfortunately, sedentarism has become a normal lifestyle for many dogs and their owners. The month of April is focused on Canine Fitness. This month-long holiday is designed to get you and… Read more »

Kennel Cough: What Is It and How To Avoid It

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It’s a few days after a fun visit to the dog park and you notice your dog acting differently. Something is wrong. They’ve got a terrible cough.  But what does it mean? All dog owners go through this – their pup contracts kennel cough from being around another dog with the same ailment.  Don’t worry,… Read more »

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Stressed And What You Can Do To Help

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Stress and anxiety can have debilitating effects on a human’s health. Stress in cats acts much the same way. Not only can it exacerbate existing physical conditions, but it can lead to a number of problems often considered behavioral, such as litter box avoidance, aggressive behavior, or depression and withdrawal. When behavioral problems suddenly appear,… Read more »