Gray Hairs Go Best With Whiskers

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Time is flying by so quickly and the holiday season is slowly approaching. No matter what holiday you celebrate, the most important thing is to spend time with your loved ones. This obviously includes our furry family members too. However, there are many animals who are still in shelters not able to celebrate with a… Read more »

Busting 4 Common Myths About Black Cats

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Fall is here – bringing cozy sweaters and beautiful colors with it! And this month, includes the fan favorite holiday of Halloween, a fun and spooky time where it’s believed that the dead roam the earth. Halloween is associated with all sort of superstitions, but none so famous than about black cats. We are going… Read more »

Do You Hear What I Hear? Answers To All Your Pertinent Questions About Cicadas and Your Pets

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They’re here. We see them everywhere, hear them screaming in the trees, and can’t seem to convince our pets they’re disgusting: Brood X Cicadas. The cicadas emerging now are periodical insects. They spend most of their lives underground feeding on tree roots, before tunneling to the surface to look for mates in the eastern U.S….. Read more »

5 Summertime Dog Walking Tips To Keep In Mind

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As the weather warms up and Covid restrictions begin to be lifted, more and more people and their pets are spending time outdoors!  Exposing your dog to high temperatures, prolonged direct sun, and intense exercise can lead to heat stroke, paw pad burn and/or dehydration in the Summer heat. This June brings added risks as… Read more »