April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month. Avoid the feelings of helplessness and panic associated with common pet medical emergencies by reading our Blog series on Pet First Aid all month long.
First Aid Kit
As a pet owner, you need to make sure to have basic first aid supplies for the pets in your household. Carefully putting together a well-provisioned first aid kit will make you more ready to deal with a medical emergency if one confronts you for your dog, cat or other pet. Have this kit in the house and fully stocked with supplies at all times, next to the first aid kit for your family. Many of the items in a family first aid kit can be used for pets, too.
This handy checklist tells you all the supplies you should have on hand for pet first aid. Print out a copy to use for shopping, and keep a copy on your refrigerator or next to the first aid kit for your family, for quick reference in emergencies.

Emergency Contacts
It’s a good idea to have a list of emergency contacts stored in your phone and written down in a visible area for you, your pet sitter or caregiver. The list should include your primary veterinarian, emergency animal hospital, animal poison control and yourself.
Have A Camera Ready
When a pet gets hurt, it’s a good idea to take a picture and send it to your veterinarian. The vet can tell you how serious the issue is, whether your pet needs to be seen and how quickly.
Always remember that any first aid administered to your pet should be followed by immediate veterinary care. First aid care is not a substitute for veterinary care, but it may save your pet’s life until it receives veterinary treatment.
Check out next week’s blog article to discover how to handle an injured pet.
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