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Back to school season is a time of transition for the whole family as parents and children begin to adjust to a new routine.  But it is also a difficult time for pets.  After an entire summer of enjoying extended family time, leaving your pet at home alone for the entire day can be upsetting…. Read more »

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It is very difficult to determine if your cat is drinking enough water. Let’s be honest, how often do you actually witness your cat drinking from their bowl? Rarely, if ever, right? Their wild cat ancestors got most of their water from their prey, so domestic cats have a very low thirst drive. This paired… Read more »

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Like you, your cat’s body is made primarily of water. Proper hydration plays a critical role in all of your cat’s bodily functions including circulation, digestion, and waste removal. Because of this, dehydration can be very dangerous and even fatal if not recognized and treated immediately.  Cats are notoriously skilled at hiding health problems so… Read more »