It’s here: the return to the new “normal”. Schools are prepping to go back to in-person learning, offices are moving away from working from home, and everyone’s schedules are rearranging again. We may not know what the new “normal” will be, but how do we prepare our pups for the definite change around the corner?… Read more »
NOTE: This article is meant as a supplement to The Post-Pandemic World and The First Steps to Transitioning Your Dog Back to “Normal” As dog owners, we strive to make our beloved pets feel comfortable and safe, especially when at home. However, there are certain stressful situations for dogs including thunderstorms, strangers coming over, fireworks,… Read more »
Dogs can become stressed, anxious or overwhelmed by a variety of situations and it is up to us as their advocates to help reduce the stressors in their lives. One way to do this is to provide a safe space for them to retreat to. By giving your dog the choice to leave a situation,… Read more »
Spring-cleaning is a chance to refresh your space, start anew, and better yourself (and your pets!). Outside of renewing your first aid kit and throwing away damaged dog supplies, I want you to take a look at your toy bin. Is it sitting in the corner, full to the brim, and untouched? If you answered… Read more »
As told by Willow’s Mom: Cecelia Mayes Intro and Conclusion by: Julia Nadovich Each year, 6 to 8 million dogs and cats are entered into U.S. shelters. Out of this total, 2.7 million of them are “put down” each year because shelters are over capacity with a lack of adoptive homes. I want you to… Read more »